GUIL!. A Gamification App
Tamalacà s.r.l. a spin-off supported by the University of Sassari, offers a consultancy service to businesses and public administrations. for the conception and management of urban policies, projects, tools and events designed to promote the accessibility and “usability” of the city by all its inhabitants, with particular attention to the most disadvantaged categories (children, the elderly , people with disabilities, pedestrians, etc.).
Among the products developed by the company is “GUILT! Whose fault is it?”, a game which, through the combination of different playful models (treasure hunt, Cluedo and Guess who?), allows you to explore and an active and fun way stories and places of a territory. Its “ingredients” are simple: a mysterious story (built starting from real ideas), a list of suspects, a map indicating the stages in which it is possible, after passing a series of tests, to collect the clues to solve the case and the use of GPS location and QR tags.
The game, conceived in 2016 as an innovative laboratory to combat early school leaving financed by the Sardinia Region, was initially usable only in the Sassari area. After having served the first customers with different ways of using the platform, we wanted to expand the already tested business model and transform it into a product to be destined for a wider market.
The team’s work involved four areas of services
1. Business Design. Supporting the analysis and construction of the business model for the launch of the product on the market;
2. App Development. Creation of a new version of the “geolocalized and multilingual” Guilt application to be used outside the Sassere area, with the development of new functions and the design of a new graphic layout that would improve its Usability;
3. Software Development. Development of the story management platform through the creation of a “User Friendly” interface that would allow any user to independently design their own story;
4. Web Development. Creation of a Web platform ( which would act both as a showcase site for product presentation and as a landing page for targeted Lead Generation campaigns from which to download the QR codes of public surveys from play at home.
ClientSmart Sensory SolutionsServicesDevelopment; business design; Service Design; Web MarketingTechnologiesNode, angular, mongodb, docker,